The Azorean sea is the group formed by the territorial sea and the exclusive economic zone around the archipelago of the Azores. This, represents more than 400 times the terrestrial dimension of the islands.
The Pico Mountain is a stratovolcano, with 2,381 meters of altitude, and is the highest mountain of Portugal. In 1982, it was granted the status of a Nature Reserve by the Regional Government of the Azores.
Classified by UNESCO in 2004. The Landscape of the Pico Vineyard Culture is translated by a pattern of parallel walls perpendicular to the rocky coast line, where the vines are cultivated on a black lava floor.
The "Cagarro" is the most abundant seabird in the Azores, totaling about 188,000 breeding pairs. They nest in all the islands, are excellent flyers and can live to 40 years.
"Pedra Biscoito" is the name given to the stone formed by lava from volcanic eruptions (black basalt). It is used to delineate the "currais" of the vineyards, creating a unique landscape in the world.